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In 1977, the Pinedale Golf Club members saw a golf course in their future. The club had its first official meeting in May of 1978, when members voted to accept title to the golf course property. The Pinedale Roundup reported that Ray Howard of William Hull and Associates was later hired by the Sublette County Recreation Board as the course designer and construction foreman. It was later reported that the seeding on the course was officially complete in 1984, with the first full year of operation in 1986 as Rendezvous Meadows Public Golf Course.

In 1987 the Sublette County Recreation Board purchased a modular building to be used as the club house. More recent construction brought us the facility you see today with a pro shop and restaurant & bar.

In 2024, the management of Rendezvous Meadows Golf Course came under the guidance of Sublette County.


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